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The combination of outdoor activity and social contact has always been a favourite summer past time, however surrounding yourself with nature in your own back garden is thought to beneficial for your mental health.
It’s no secret gardeners already know the good feeling you get from being green fingered, nurturing plants from seed to bloom and watching the seasons change. It is something the NHS is taking notice of, too, as a way to improve and manage mental health, along with other conditions.
Spending time more time outdoors or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical well-being. For example, growing food or flowers, exercising outdoors and being around wildlife can have lots of positive effects. It can:
For people who not have access to a garden can still enjoy the benefits of house plants, succulents are especially good for people who have no experience in growing plants as they are so easy to care for.
Also planting in-door herbs in your kitchen is a great way of bringing a garden indoors.
For more information on gardening and mental healthy please visit for further tips and support.